Are You Worried About an Alcoholic Friend?
Sometimes, the person with the drinking problem is someone we love and care for deeply. Watching that person’s life slowly unravel due to poor choices leaves us feeling powerless. The consequences of their drinking are harsh daily reminders of the problem: job loss, divorce, DUI charges and financial hardship, but heavy drinkers tend to minimize it all. Al‑Anon Family Groups offers understanding and help for anyone affected by a loved one’s drinking.
Relief Leads to Recovery
When I was new to Al‑Anon meetings, I heard members ask, “Do you want recovery, or just relief?”
Al-Anon Saved My Life—Twice!
When I first came to Al‑Anon, I was depressed and sad. I didn't know how to live with
We’re All Equal in Al-Anon
I am thankful that we are all equal in Al‑Anon. I am Hispanic, and I attended a mostly
A Journey of Self-Discovery
I remember in my first Al‑Anon meetings hearing people say, “To thine own self be true.” This was
New ways to resolve conflict
New ways to resolve conflict In an on-camera interview, Lisa, an anonymous Al-Anon member, shares that although she
Comfortable Hearing My Own Voice
Sharing in meetings has always been super hard for me. I tend not to speak up much in
The family disease of alcoholism kept me from embracing my true self
The family disease of alcoholism kept me from embracing my true self According to the latest Al-Anon
The biggest change since coming to Al-Anon
The biggest change since coming to Al‑Anon Al-Anon is a support program for people worried about or
Hearing the Words that Helped Me to Listen
At my first meeting I was angry. I had been ordered to attend meetings and thought I didn’t
The Path Isn’t Chosen by Me
The illusion of control made me feel powerful in a world where I had frequently felt powerless and
My Confusion Cleared
I came into Al‑Anon angry, hurting, and confused as to how I managed a career, but seemed to
My Personal Three Cs
I am so grateful for the gift of my recovery in Al‑Anon. From my very first meeting, I