Financial Information

Tax-exempt status was granted to Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., our World Service Office, in 1956 under Sec. 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code as a nonprofit corporation organized and operated for educational purposes. Tax-exempt status was granted to Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters (Canada) Inc. in 1999 as a registered charity under paragraph 149 (1) of the Income Tax Act of Canada.

U.S. and Canadian regulations require Al-Anon to file tax returns on an annual basis. In addition, Al-Anon is audited by an independent accounting firm in accordance with accepted auditing standards.

In order to fulfill our primary purpose, contributions are used to meet expenses for worldwide services. Appeal letters are sent to all groups on a quarterly basis. It is requested that the letter be read at two successive meetings followed by a special collection other than the regular group collection. This gives each member an opportunity to participate in Twelfth Step work beyond the group level.