Public Outreach Toolkit
For many years, Al‑Anon members interested in participating in Public Outreach (PO), referred to The Best of Public Outreach for inspiration for their Public Outreach projects. Over time, it would need to be updated as new experience, strength, and hope was shared with the World Service Office (WSO). With things changing at an ever‑increasing pace, often requiring more frequent updates, the solution was to bring the idea of The Best of Public Outreach online in the form of The Public Outreach Toolkit (PO Toolkit). So, with the launch of the PO Toolkit, The Best of Public Outreach has been officially retired.
The PO Toolkit includes many of the projects listed in The Best of Public Outreach, but we need your help to keep it current with the latest ideas. We have heard about some truly innovative and exciting outreach projects taking place from many of our members. If you have been involved in a PO project and have experience, strength, and hope to share, we want to hear from you!
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