“The Forum” Magazine Stories2024-11-27T14:27:54-05:00
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Weakening the Impact of Alcoholism

Growing up in a home with active alcoholism permanently stained my soul. But in Al‑Anon, I’ve learned that even though I can’t change my past, I’m not hopeless. Maybe because tea is my favorite beverage, this image helps

Hope for a Future with My Son

Before I came to Al-Anon, I thought my son’s drinking was never going to end. I was either going to have to find a way to stop it or totally give him up and never see him again.

Hurting, Healing, Helping

Before I entered the rooms of Al‑Anon, I lived by the motto “Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger.” Funny, huh? The reality was that I ended up getting hurt over and over again. Being beat up

Leaving a Legacy to Al-Anon in Your Will

You’ve no doubt heard it said that Al‑Anon helps us become responsible for ourselves—including our finances. Yet seldom do we think of making a will in terms of responsibility. A will is a legacy to future generations.

2023 International Convention—Day of Connecting

Going through my personal photo archive recently, I discovered a snapshot from the 2018 International Convention in Baltimore. In the photo, I am surrounded by my closest Al‑Anon friends. There are more than 30 beautiful, smiling faces—a family

An Enjoyable Life of My Own

The concept of detachment was baffling to me when I first stepped through the doors of Al‑Anon. Were these people asking me to change the way I thought and viewed the world, the way I’d learned as a

I Cannot Save Others from Drinking

After my fiancé died from progressive drinking, I begged God to let me die too. I had failed to save him, and I had failed his parents, who had said I was their last hope. Someone close to

Worthy of Protecting

By the time I came to Al‑Anon, I had given away so much of myself that I wasn’t even sure who I was anymore. I had forfeited my time, interests, needs, and self-worth, all in feeble efforts to

Can Members Buy Al-Anon Literature from Outside Entities?

Vitally important to clarify first is that the only place anyone can purchase Al-Anon’s ebooks and audiobooks is through certain electronic media providers. In return for their royalty fee, these providers handle all set-up, processing, and digital rights management,

Service Guidelines Updated!

Al‑Anon Guidelines represent the shared experience of Al‑Anon and Alateen members in various service roles and provide a wealth of helpful information for anyone involved in service. The Guidelines are compiled and published by the World Service Office

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