The experience, strength, and hope of Al‑Anon members as shared in their own words is at the heart of Al‑Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL), and The Forum is no exception. For our French- and Spanish-speaking members, we publish Le lien and Al‑Anon y Alateen en acción, bimonthly French and Spanish magazines, which use translated excerpts from The Forum.

Thanks to the Forum Editorial Advisory Committee (FEAC), submitted sharings undergo a review process, although an abbreviated one, that qualifies all three of our magazines as CAL. Each month, FEAC volunteers read 50 sharings and provide recommendations for publication to the Magazine Editor. Once a manuscript has been developed, it goes through multiple additional reviews by World Service Office Staff and a final approval by the Director of Programs and the Executive Director. For each issue of Le lien and Al‑Anon y Alateen en acción, the WSO Translation Team translates selected articles into French and Spanish. This process ensures that each issue of our magazines is consistent with Al-Anon policies and perspective.

According to our service tools:

Consider reading a member sharing from this magazine to start the discussion at your next meeting or use the “Instant Meeting” section by reading the two short member sharings and discussing the questions that follow.

The Forum, December 2021

Feel free to reprint this article on your service arm website or newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.