Are You Worried About an Alcoholic Friend?
Sometimes, the person with the drinking problem is someone we love and care for deeply. Watching that person’s life slowly unravel due to poor choices leaves us feeling powerless. The consequences of their drinking are harsh daily reminders of the problem: job loss, divorce, DUI charges and financial hardship, but heavy drinkers tend to minimize it all. Al‑Anon Family Groups offers understanding and help for anyone affected by a loved one’s drinking.
Addiction professionals help patients see signs
Addiction professionals: Helping patients explore the possibility that someone's alcoholism or drug use has affected them
I Felt Welcomed
Like many others, I came to my first meeting at the recommendation of a counselor. I was filled
I Know That I Am Not Alone
The last year of my life has been like a roller coaster—both physically and emotionally. At times, I
Hope, at Last
Knowing that I was not alone, that other members of Al‑Anon were in the same situation as I
Gently Peeling Away the Layers
When I first came to Al‑Anon, I was hesitant to speak. My negativity and shame convinced me that
I Was Welcomed with Open Arms
When I walked into my first Al‑Anon meeting, the room was filled only with women enthusiastically chatting with
A Spark of Light
When I entered the rooms of Al‑Anon years ago I felt like a frightened little girl. I gathered
I Get Better with Every Meeting
What am I doing here? I thought. I didn’t want to be here. I wondered how Al‑Anon was
Right Where I Belong
The first Al‑Anon meeting I attended was not for me—or so I thought. I was accompanying a friend
I Desperately Needed a Life Preserver
A number of years ago, I finally took the step to walk into a drug and alcohol counselor’s
Baby-Stepping toward Recovery
When I came to Al‑Anon several months ago, I had no idea of the serenity I would start
Keeping My Peace
My peace belongs to me, but it is so easy to give it away or let someone take