The last year of my life has been like a roller coaster—both physically and emotionally. At times, I have felt like it’s me against the world. I have felt angry, confused, and very alone. About a month ago, however, I decided to start attending Al‑Anon. I went looking for answers to all my problems. I was hoping someone would tell me what to do. What I found was so much more.

I found a group of people who knew what I was going through without ever meeting me before I spoke. They never offered opinions about what I should do; they just listened. In turn, I listened to their stories and found comfort and hope that I thought I could never feel again. Now I know that I am not alone. If I ever feel that I cannot control my thoughts or anxieties, I find a meeting. They are everywhere. And in an hour or so, I feel better. It was awkward and intimidating at first to walk into a room with people I had never met and share some of my deepest thoughts and feelings, but it helped. I found people who cared about me and my recovery.

By Ben D., Washington

Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2020