Are You Worried About an Alcoholic Friend?
Sometimes, the person with the drinking problem is someone we love and care for deeply. Watching that person’s life slowly unravel due to poor choices leaves us feeling powerless. The consequences of their drinking are harsh daily reminders of the problem: job loss, divorce, DUI charges and financial hardship, but heavy drinkers tend to minimize it all. Al‑Anon Family Groups offers understanding and help for anyone affected by a loved one’s drinking.
Like Working on My Golf Game
I am new to Al‑Anon; I’ve been coming less than two months. I finally decided to talk to a
No Longer Feathering the Nest
When a mother eagle builds her nest, her foundational materials are large branches and sharp thorns. She then lines
Self-Care Is Not Selfish
In my personal life, the slogan “Let It Begin with Me” reminds me that taking care of myself
Proof Positive that Al‑Anon Works
Al‑Anon saved my life. It returned me to sanity, stabilized my life, and gave me serenity. Al‑Anon helped me
Responding to the Disease of Alcoholism
Accepting that alcoholism is a disease has been tough for me to grasp. I believe it’s true, but
Recovery Is Possible
It wasn’t easy learning to take care of myself when I first started attending Al‑Anon meetings. Many tears
I Will “Keep Coming Back”
Relating, empathizing, and learning from the experiences of other Al‑Anon members helps me feel understood and reminds me I
A Loving Family in Al-Anon
I love being a part of a happy, healthy family, which is what my Al‑Anon home group feels
The internet helped me get to my first Al-Anon meeting
The internet helped me get to my first Al‑Anon meeting Alcoholism affects many families across the globe, but
Connecting around the World
Three years ago, as March 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic roared in with a vengeance, my beloved Al‑Anon
Grateful for Greater Access
One of the good things that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic is access to many more Al‑Anon
The Power of Doing Nothing
At my first Al‑Anon meeting, I was introduced to Step One: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that