No Affiliation with Meeting Space Facilities
When starting new Al-Anon and Alateen groups, members may look for publicly accessible, inexpensive meeting spaces to rent. Places of public worship, clubs, hospitals, and schools are common locations. Common spaces for electronic meetings include Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp.
Drawing on a New Dynamic
Arriving at the Al‑Anon rooms, I felt out of my element hearing a different “language” than the one I had learned. Members spoke of spiritual principles that were guides to live by. Those statements made my skin crawl,
A Second Life
I was introduced to Al‑Anon shortly after my spouse had passed. I was lost at the time, and the group accepted me just as I was. It took time to understand the Al‑Anon principles found in the Steps
My Train
My train headed nowhere at a very early age. Before Al‑Anon, my endless overthinking and self-will would take me to undesirable destinations. In my new Al‑Anon journey, I am learning to release those thoughts and not get on
Awareness, Acceptance, and Action
When I arrived in Al‑Anon, I had a limited ability to identify specific feelings. I recognized anger and maybe sadness but had no clue about fear or shame. I had no idea that shame was affecting my daily
Keeping Self-Support Simple on Social Media
Al-Anon WSO, the World Service Office’s (WSO’s) social media profile, regularly receives comments on our posts from questionable profiles attempting to lure people into sending them friend requests or clicking on suspicious links. Although WSO Staff deletes the
Maintaining Anonymity While Sharing Meeting Information
To help members and newcomers access meetings, Al-Anon groups share information such as links or passwords to join electronic meetings or location details about in-person meetings. While sharing meeting information helps connect people to resources, it’s important to
Investing in Our Alateen Legacy
As someone who is passionate about Alateen service and sponsors an Alateen group, I ask myself how I can get the Alateens involved in this process. It is so easy to think the Alateens have no skin in
Safety in Al-Anon Meetings
It has been an amazing experience for me to see the Al‑Anon fellowship grow and adapt over my years in the program. I am sure that our Cofounders, Lois W. and Anne B., never dreamed that Al‑Anon’s hand
Miracles of Sponsorship
I am so grateful for electronic meetings. During Covid, they were my lifeline and kept me sane. I connected with one of my sponsees through an email meeting. She was in so much pain and desperate for a
Today, I Will Dance
I am powerless over having two adult children directly affected by alcoholism. I am powerless over the fear I have related to this disease. However, Al‑Anon has taught me that I am not powerless over my responses to
Growth in the Safety Zone
Like everyone else I know in Al‑Anon, I’m working on myself. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been doing so since I started in 1998. It doesn’t matter how many service positions I’ve held in the group, in the District,