Teen Corner (Alateen)2023-08-11T08:56:41-04:00
  • diverse group of teenagers

Teen Corner

A place just for teens affected by someone else's alcoholism.

Try Alateen Chat

Alateen meetings in the Mobile App are for young people aged 13 to 18 who have been affected by someone else’s drinking. We are invited to share experience, strength, and hope with other teens.

What is Alateen?

Alateen is a place where members come together to:

  • share experiences, strength, and hope with each other to find effective ways to cope with problems.
  • discuss difficulties and encourage one another
  • help each other understand the principles of the Al-Anon program through the use of the Twelve Steps and Alateen's Twelve Traditions

Alateen is not a place:

  • For teenagers seeking help for drinking or drug problems or a therapy program
  • to complain about parents or anyone else.
  • A social hangout.

My Alateen Story

The moment I noticed something wasn’t right with my parents was when I needed help with my homework

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