Resources for Professionals
Al-Anon is a mutual support group of peers who share their experience in applying the Al-Anon principles to problems related to the effects of a problem drinker in their lives. It is not group therapy and is not led by a counselor or therapist. This support network complements and supports professional treatment.
Alateen is a peer support group for teens who are struggling with the effects of someone else’s problem drinking. Many Alateen groups meet at the same time and location as an Al-Anon group. Alateen meetings are open only to teenagers. Alateen is not a program for young people seeking sobriety.
No advance notification or written referral is necessary to attend an Al-Anon or Alateen meeting. Anyone affected by someone else’s drinking is welcome to attend.
There are no dues or fees. Groups are self-supporting, and usually pass a basket around for a voluntary contribution to pay for rent or Al-Anon literature.
Encourage your clients to try Al-Anon, even if they minimize the problem with alcohol. The 2015 Al-Anon membership survey shows that 40% of newcomers who first came to Al-Anon because of a loved one’s drug addiction and later came to better understand the seriousness of that person’s alcohol problem only after attending Al-Anon for a period of time.
A Wave of Relief
During my 32 years in practice, I have counseled many individuals and families who struggle with a loved
Why Refer Clients, Consumers and Patients to Al-Anon
Anyone questioning or concerned about someone’s drinking is welcome to attend Al‑Anon meetings. Many individuals may not realize
Recovery Helps Parents Detach Lovingly From Their Children
As a psychologist, I use the “Family CAGE test”1 when screening families who come in with adolescents. These
CAGE Test Helps Professionals Identify Need for Al-Anon
"In health care settings, there are many people who could potentially benefit from Al‑Anon, but their need is never identified. Health care providers often struggle to find time to screen for patients who have been affected by someone else’s drinking, which conservative estimates show to be at least 20 percent of the population..."
Why I Refer Clients to Al-Anon
“Al-Anon offers one enormously effective skill set that I have yet to find as well taught anywhere else.”
Al-Anon is Gentle
It is a typical day at the practice. I prepare the materials for the substance abuse support group and