Working My Problem or Working My Program?


I was attending a meeting where the group was studying How Al-Anon Works for Families and Friends of Alcoholics (B-32). The person reading the text aloud misread the

Welcoming Newcomers in the New Year!


Although the family disease of alcoholism never takes a vacation, the post-holiday season is a time when many individuals suffering from the family disease of alcoholism seek comfort in

Well, Hello, New Year


I wonder what you have in store for me, for us, in 2022?! As an Al‑Anon member, I always feel renewed hope as January dawns. Hope inspires me

The Importance of Newcomers!


As an Al‑Anon member, I am always grateful when a new face enters the room. Whether it is someone’s very first Al‑Anon meeting, someone visiting from out of

Climbing the IAGSM Mountain


The following sharing was contributed by a member from South Africa who served for the first time as a Delegate to the International Al‑Anon General Services Meeting (IAGSM).

The Courage to Grow


When I entered the Al‑Anon rooms for the first time, I was in deep despair. My adult daughter’s drinking was out of control. She was living with us,

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