Alcoholic Child2017-07-25T13:31:54-04:00

Are You Concerned About an Alcoholic Child?

Trying to cope with a son’s or daughter’s alcohol abuse is one of the most difficult challenges in life. Their problems become ours, as objectivity goes out the window. It becomes a never-ending cycle of crisis and rescue. We pay for doctors’ bills, treatment center stays, attorneys’ fees, rent, food and cars, often at the expense of our own financial security. It is difficult to say no because of the underlying fear that, somehow, we’ve caused the problem.

Many people come to Al‑Anon for the support and understanding they need to handle this heart-breaking situation.

I Felt Welcomed

Like many others, I came to my first meeting at the recommendation of a counselor. I was filled

Hope, at Last

Knowing that I was not alone, that other members of Al‑Anon were in the same situation as I


Like alcoholism, the deer came out of nowhere. My husband and I were on the motorcycle almost home

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