• 1935

“Damn Your Old Meetings”

One Sunday, Bill asked me if I was ready to go to the meeting with him. To my astonishment as well as..

damn your old meetings cross stitch
  • 1939

Families of A.A. Begin Gathering

As early as 1939, families and friends of alcoholics attended A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings with the alcoholic. As families shared with each..

families and friends of alcoholics attended A.A. meetings
  • 1951

Stepping Stones

At the close of the A.A. General Service Conference, Lois invited the A.A. Delegates’ wives to lunch at her home, Stepping Stones…

  • 1951

Letters Sent to 87 Groups

At the close of the A.A. General Service Conference, Lois invited the A.A. Delegates’ wives to lunch at her home, Stepping Stones…She..

  • 1957

First Alateen Group Registered

The first Alateen group is registered with Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. “Led by the Alateen group in Pasadena, the Alateen members…

  • 1961

First Trial World Service Conference

The Al-Anon World Service Conference (WSC) was first held on a trial basis in 1961. (The WSC is representative of the Al-Anon…

  • 1970

Twelve Concepts Of Service

Lois sent a copy of the Twelve Concepts of Service to all Delegates and Conference members, for study and consideration prior to…

  • 1980

One Millionth ODAT

Lois presented a commemorative one-millionth copy of One Day at a Time in Al-Anon to the Chairman of the Board of A.A….

  • 1980

First General Services Meeting

On July 7, 1980 (after the A.A. International Convention in New Orleans), Al-Anon reached another milestone. Delegates and observers from 16 General…

  • 1994

WSC Approved the Purchase of Property

The (World Service) Conference approved the purchase of property for a 15-year trial period, by a vote of 79 in favor and…

  • 1996

Moved to Virginia Beach

Beginning on May 1, staff members started moving to Virginia Beach. The World Service Office was open and ready for business at…

  • 2004

WSC Affirmed Board's Alateen Motion

The 2004 World Service Conference’s primary topic for discussion was the Board of Trustee’s Alateen Motion. The Conference had discussed the Motion…

  • 2011

Al-Anon's 60th Anniversary

An Invitation to Celebrate! Join Al-Anon, Alateen, and A.A. members and their guests in Virginia Beach, VA for an Open House and…

  • 2011

Mortgage Burning

“So here we are, 15 years later, having had a successful (15 year) trial and a motion (number 6) from the (World…