There is no Al-Anon meeting nearby in my country. In the past I visited face-to-face Al‑Anon meetings in another city, where I learned Al-Anon can help me have a more manageable life. I didn’t feel comfortable in those meetings, so I began participating in an Al-Anon meeting on Facebook, where I found a sponsor and now I am working Al‑Anon’s Twelve Steps for the first time.
It is very hard for me to deal with my husband’s alcoholism. He drinks all time. I left him a few years ago, but then he started to attend A.A. meetings so I came back. We have a baby boy who is two years old.
My husband started drinking again six months after our son’s birth. It was not so bad, not so often, but now it is escalating. I have worked really hard to keep the focus on myself, but I am not perfect. I feel so sad and angry. Without Al-Anon, I think I would feel worse.
Thanks to Al-Anon and the Twelve Steps I have hope that I will live a good and happy life again, whether my husband continues to drink or not. I also have hope that my husband will find his Higher Power as I have.
By Lucia J., Czech Republic
Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2019
There are several phone meetings available.
Don’t have any children but I am through the same thing I feel so alone and I avoid social events and became I loner because I was very embarrassed about the situation I was wondering if there a phone number to call. Don’t feel comfortable with facebook