Mothering or Enabling?


When I first came to Al‑Anon, I spent a great deal of time wrestling with the term, “enabling.” I am a mother. Surely a mother’s role is to

The Family Situation Can Improve


One morning I was riding my bicycle with a group of friends and really enjoying the beautiful day. I have found that little “Aha!” moments sometimes happen unexpectedly

No Longer Feathering the Nest


When a mother eagle builds her nest, her foundational materials are large branches and sharp thorns. She then lines it with layers of feathers, fur, and moss to make

The Step before the Steps


I have been in and out of Al‑Anon for at least the last 20 years. My pattern was this: A crisis would arise with one of the alcoholics

The Power of Doing Nothing


At my first Al‑Anon meeting, I was introduced to Step One: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.” As much as was possible

Hurting, Healing, Helping


Before I entered the rooms of Al‑Anon, I lived by the motto “Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger.” Funny, huh? The reality was that I ended

My Journey to Serenity


When I attended my first Al‑Anon meeting, I was in a state of desperation, looking for a way to “fix” my son, the alcoholic. I didn’t know anyone

My Professional Experience with Al‑Anon


During my 53 years of working in mental health and addiction recovery, I have seen a number of changes and improvements in care. However, alcoholism continues to remain

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