Moving On! From Alateen to Al-Anon


Moving On! From Alateen to Al‑Anon (P‑59) Transitioning into Al‑Anon described by former Alateen members as they continue recovery. 12 pages. Read

Share your experience moving from Alateen to Al-Anon


Share your experience moving from Alateen to Al‑AnonJune’s topic is, “Share your experience moving from Alateen to Al‑Anon.”As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step

Courage to Be Me–Living with Alcoholism


Courage to Be Me–Living with Alcoholism (B‑23) Alateen's most comprehensive book, filled with shared recovery from Alateen members. Includes workshops for group discussions. Indexed, softcover.

The Al-Anon Family Groups—Classic Edition


The Al-Anon Family Groups—Classic Edition (B‑5) Al-Anon's first book, in its original text, remains pertinent, connecting us with our pioneer members' legacy. With an added

Alateen Fourth Step Inventory


Alateen’s 4th Step Inventory (P‑64) This workbook keeps it simple for members of any age, with questions, cartoons, and space to write or draw your

WSC or WSO—What Is the Difference?


Ever heard the acronyms WSC or WSO and wondered what they mean and whether they are different? Well, you are probably not alone! Here’s the scoop.  The World

Literature & Publications


Each month throughout 2024, one team will be highlighted, giving you a closer look at how they help the WSO in its role as the clearinghouse for the Al‑Anon fellowship.

Like Working on My Golf Game


I am new to Al‑Anon; I’ve been coming less than two months. I finally decided to talk to a friend of mine about my situation, knowing he was in

In what ways does your group welcome newcomers?


In what ways does your group welcome newcomers? January’s topic is, “In what ways does your group welcome newcomers?” As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This

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