The Al-Anon Slogans
“Unlike some of Al‑Anon's practices and principles that take a while to learn and apply, the Al‑Anon slogans are easy to learn and remember. You may have heard some of these slogans hundreds of times before without ever taking them seriously or trying to put them to work. After all, they are clichés, and easy to disregard. But it is their very simplicity that makes them so powerful.”
How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), pg. 65
“It’s not important for me to comment on everything I hear. It is important for me to let go and let others make decisions for themselves.” Hope For Today (B‑27), p.142
“Al‑Anon helped me to let live by teaching me about detachment and helping me to see that many of my problems stemmed from minding everyone’s business but my own.” Courage to Change (B-16), p. 234
“Improving our own attitudes, and our own state of mind, takes time. Haste and impatience can only defeat our purposes.” This Is Al‑Anon (P‑32), p. 9
“If you try to keep an open mind, you will find help. You will come to realize that there is no situation too difficult to be bettered and no unhappiness too great to be lessened.”(Suggested Al‑Anon/Alateen Closing), This Is Al‑Anon (P-32), p. 11
“The Serenity Prayer is excellent medicine for discontentment.” One Day At A Time (B-6), p. 298
“A mistake a day keeps my perfectionism at bay. Today I will endeavor to enjoy my humanness.” Hope for Today (B-27), p. 335
“My sponsor's gentle reminder of ‘Progress, not perfection' encourages me to give myself credit.” How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), p. 340
“Some members are initially reluctant to go to meetings, but ultimately remain in Al‑Anon for many years. Was I reluctant to attend Al‑Anon meetings? What kept me coming back?” Many Voices, One Journey (B-31), p. 192
“Even the darkest of moments can be faced with a grateful heart, if not for the crisis itself, at least for the growth it can evoke with the help of our Higher Power.” . . . In All Our Affairs (B-15), p. 209
“I will keep always in mind that today is my sole concern, and that I will make it as good a day as I can.” One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon (B-6), p. 79
“Al-Anon’s slogan, ‘Listen and Learn’ reminds us that if we have the self-discipline to be quiet and pay attention to others’ words, we can learn a tremendous amount about ourselves and our world.” How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), p. 97-98
“I need never again do anything alone.” Hope For Today (B‑27), p. 181
“We must learn to lean on others, and sometimes accept others’ leaning on us. We must share our experience, strength, and hope with others so that we can all grow. We can’t do it alone. No man is an island, no one is a rock. Only by truthfulness and trust can we grow in Alateen. ‘Together We Can Make It.' ” Alateen: hope for Children of Alcoholics (B‑3), p. 49
“Sometimes the ‘It' in ‘Keep It Simple' can be the program itself.” Hope for Today (B-27), p.74
“To get a good, firm hold on the Al‑Anon idea … ‘keep it simple!'” One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon (B-6), p. 143
“How can I apply ‘First Things First' to clarify a confounding task today?” Hope for Today (B-27), p. 73
“‘First Things First' helps us make more workable choices and to live with the choices we make.” How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), p. 69
“The problem is that those who need it don’t always want it. We can share our experience, strength, and hope with them and be a good example of Al‑Anon recovery by practicing its principles in all our affairs.” Paths to Recovery (B-24), p. 227
“Just for today I will find a little time to relax and to realize what life is and can be; time to think about God and get a better perspective on myself.” Alcoholism, the Family Disease (P-4), p. 17
“This slogan gives us permission to replace stress, worry and suffering with serenity and faith.” How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32), p. 76
“‘Live and Let Live' helps me stay on my own plot of recovery where I can do the most good, rather than wasting my time on someone else's.” Hope for Today (B-27), p. 70
“Our only concern should be our own conduct, our own improvement, our own lives. We are entitled to our own view of things, and we have no right to inflict it on anyone else.” Alcoholism, the Family Disease (P-4), p. 17