My goal when I attended my first Al‑Anon meeting was to glean from the program a go-by list that could be used to lead my two alcoholic sons down a path to recovery. I regarded alcoholism as a habit of overindulging that could be overcome by following sound advice from people who knew the answers. Before the end of the first meeting, I was aware of the mistake I had made about the disease of alcoholism.

With each meeting thereafter, the truth about alcoholism became more obvious, and I started to accept the fact that only my sons could control their addiction to alcohol. What my wife and I wanted for our sons, we could not provide.

As weeks turned into months and months into years, I began to accept the hard truth that my twin sons had a disease they would have to deal with. My final acceptance of that fact brought me to understand that my presence at the meetings was for myself and not for my sons. That acceptance, so difficult in the beginning, is now what helps me in trying to live each day to the fullest.

By Leroy D., Virginia

The Forum, June 2021


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