A Professional Feels Challenged


Tradition Eight: Al‑Anon Twelfth Step work should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers. One of my best friends committed suicide. As a psychologist

Professionals li


AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS RECOGNIZE THE VITAL ROLE OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS Counselors, therapists, social workers, among others are likely to be among the

Professional Perspectives Videos


Professional Perspectives on Al‑Anon Alcohol abuse and misuse have caused harm to one in five adults (Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2019) and one in

The Persistent Professional


I still very clearly remember getting to my first meeting. I had finally started to realize that I was not going to get my husband to stop drinking.

Connecting with Professionals on Social Media


The WSO LinkedIn page features professional articles and videos to provide more insight into our program for families and friends of alcoholics. Through this professional networking platform, we

My Professional Experience with Al‑Anon


During my 53 years of working in mental health and addiction recovery, I have seen a number of changes and improvements in care. However, alcoholism continues to remain

Help Wanted: Referrals to Al-Anon-Friendly Professionals


Articles by professionals are often the “tipping point” for the potential newcomer to follow through on their therapist’s/counselor’s or health care clinician’s recommendation to attend Al‑Anon. In these articles,

Outreach to Professionals


Outreach to Professionals The 2018 Al‑Anon/Alateen Membership Survey indicates that over 28 percent of Al‑Anon members attended their first meeting as the result of a professional referral. Professionals include

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