I came into Al‑Anon angry, hurting, and confused as to how I managed a career, but seemed to consistently fail in my personal relationships. I had no idea that being raised in an alcoholic home had affected me so deeply. More importantly, I never had hope that life could be any different. But through my distress and pain, I landed in Al‑Anon where I found others who understood me. I’ll never forget the moment I heard them share and discovered that our stories sounded the same—I was no longer alone!
My struggles did not go away immediately, but at the urging of other members, I kept coming back. When I began working with a Sponsor and authentically began studying the Steps, my life began to improve. Today, even though some of the relationships ended that I had so desperately tried to force, I have fallen in love with the life I have. Al‑Anon gave me hope and a brand-new way to see the world.
By Kay A., Oklahoma
The Forum, April 2021
Feel free to reprint this article on your service arm website or in your newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.
My little brother died from an overdose and I know of a lot of other people who have died the same way. I want to go to a meeting but for some reason I’m scared
I had a stepfather who was an alcoholic and several other family members that were alcoholics/addicts. I on the other hand suffered from bipolar depression as there’s a possibility that PTSD may be involved as well. Most of the people that had addiction problems are gone as I’m also in another program for families of drug addicts as I’m always believing now that when alcohol is involved drugs don’t fall far behind more often than not.
Hi, I have a husband that has been drinking for 40 years. We married 5 years ago and I never realized how bad until the last year. Hiding his vodka in the washing machine was one wake up. he’s been off work with the covid and has spiraled out of control. Now it’s his job. What was the past? He says I always blame things on drinking. But it is his drinking. How do I get through to him? Now I am always mad, intimacy is almost gone too. So frustrated I just don’t know where to turn. Feel like… Read more »
I have a 26 year old daughter who has been struggling with alcohol/drug abuse for the last 3 years. She quit college. She is a bum magnet and not living a good life in the basement of our home. Today I tried to have a heart to heart talk with her about seeking help to no avail. Soon afterward, early afternoon today she had alcohol delivered to our home. I told her she had to leave and she did leave. Now I am feeling heart broken. Did I do the right thing? I am so concerned for her emotional well… Read more »
It does make a difference. We learn to look after ME and not be so wrapped up in something that is not ours to fix. We become happy.
Married to an alcoholic for 30 years. Things get better but then always go back to where it was. He takes no responsibility I am to blame for everything. I hope AL-ANON can help me break the cycle
This was lovely. Thank you for sharing
Its mindblowing to me that it takes distress and pain to reach a point of healing. It’s so true though. I feel like I’m on the path to loving the life I have but still have huge setbacks every couple of months. I’m hoping I can have the same experience here like you did. Thank u tons for sharing.
I needed that
My life as an Adult child of an Alcoholic. My father died in a plane crash 1 month before my fourth birthday. My mom climbed into a bottle of Gin and never came up for air, she died 11yrs later of cirrhosis of the liver. When I was 8 or nine, I remember my mom sitting us down at the dinner table and told us she was going to teach us the proper protocol for sinking a fine Tawny Port, in the Navy. She said a fine Tawny Port Wine is always drunk in the left hand, thus Port raising… Read more »
Good afternoon I am coming and joined because I am married to an alcoholic. I am starting to realize there is nothing I can do right for him to make him want to be with me. I feel lost and alone in the marriage. Everything I attempt to do to change what he expects from me just turns into him asking something else of me to change. It’s an on going cycle of what I don’t do. I have no idea if this is right forum but I’m at a lost and have no idea what I have done to… Read more »
As an adult child of an alcoholic this resonates a lot with me. I am learning how to fall in love with life too.
Thank you for your share.