Surveys for Members
Thank you for visiting the Al-Anon Family Groups survey page for members. Participation in Al-Anon surveys by all members, regardless of length of membership in the program, level of involvement in service work, or any other factor, is of the utmost importance in helping to develop and evaluate programs that will strengthen and grow the Al-Anon Family Groups.
Involvement in Al-Anon surveys is also considered service work and is greatly valued as we seek to reach out to those who are dealing with the effects of someone else’s alcoholism but haven’t yet found help in Al-Anon. Survey results are used in communicating with professionals who are in a position to refer patients and clients to Al-Anon. Results of surveys are also used to improve communication with the membership.
From time to time, the WSO is also approached by outside researchers who are requesting assistance in their research on friends and families of alcoholics. The WSO Policy Committee approved a procedure for determining whether Al-Anon cooperation in researchers’ projects will benefit Al-Anon. The policy ensures that our cooperation with researchers complies fully with Al-Anon’s Traditions Six (non-endorsement of outside enterprises), Eleven (public relations based on attraction rather than promotion), and Twelve (protection of anonymity).
To access the results of recent surveys, please find link(s) here:
- 2024 Membership Survey
- 2016 Alateen Survey
- Newcomers and Members — Research Collaboration*
- Newcomers: Who stays and who drops out?*
- Newcomers and Members: Concerns about the drinkers in their lives*
*This copyrighted report is not owned by Al‑Anon and members are urged to include proper citations along with any excerpts from, or references to the document. Al‑Anon does not endorse the research contained in this report, and it is not affiliated with the researcher in any way.
As with all service you do for Al‑Anon Family Groups, the WSO thanks you for your involvement in our surveys.
Please address any questions or comments regarding Al‑Anon surveys and cooperation with outside researchers to the Public Outreach to Professionals, at 757-563-1600 or wso@al‑