A “group conscience” is taken when a group decision needs to be made. It can be regarding any number of things, such as changing the group name, the meeting time and place, finances, or any other decision. Some group decisions may be made quickly; others may take time.
It is important to take the time necessary to hear from all members. If the business meeting doesn’t allow enough time for all voices to be heard, the matter can be revisited and discussed in the future. This pause allows for the guidance of a Higher Power. This is how a group conscience evolves.
As members, we become informed to participate in the group conscience when we talk to each other and reason things out. We promote group unity by abiding by the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service. It may be helpful to review them prior to group conscience discussions during regular group business meetings.
Once consensus is reached on a matter, the group agrees to support the group conscience decision.
The Forum, April 2022
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