Although the family disease of alcoholism never takes a vacation, the post-holiday season is a time when many individuals suffering from the family disease of alcoholism seek comfort in Al‑Anon. Here are some things to think about as your group prepares to welcome newcomers for the new year, whether you are still meeting virtually or back to meeting in person.

  • Is your meeting information on the local meeting list, Area listings, and at the WSO up to date? If your face-to-face meeting is temporarily being held on a virtual platform, contact your Area Trusted Servants to learn about listing procedures.
  • Are signs placed in easy-to-spot places to direct people to the meeting room or specific location instructions included in your group record?
  • Do you have a greeter to welcome anyone new to the meeting?

A Welcoming Checklist is also available as a free download to help you plan. Keep in mind that you can submit Al‑Anon group changes any time throughout the year at