Have you recertified as an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS)?
Have you verified your Alateen group information?
Every year, each Area in the World Service Conference Structure is required to take part in the Annual Alateen Recertification process in order to continue to use the Alateen name. This is explained in the Alateen Policy and the 2003 Alateen Motion from the Board of Trustees.
The recertification process is two-fold:
- To verify that every registered Alateen group has:
- Current Area-certified Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) as group Sponsor(s).
- Current Area-certified AMIAS to serve as the Alateen group Current Mailing Address (CMA) and as a Phone Contact for the Public
- To certify all new AMIAS and recertify AMIAS already in service to Alateen.
The Annual Alateen Recertification deadline for all Alateen groups and AMIAS is June 15!
Contact your Area Alateen Coordinator, Area Alateen Process Person, or District Representative to verify the process in your Area. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to share your recovery with teens and younger members!
The Forum, May 2024
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Feel free to reprint this article on your service arm website or newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.