88% of Members Say Their Mental Health Improved After Attending Al‑Anon

It is common knowledge that alcohol addiction has profound effects on the drinker, including physical as well as mental and emotional effects. Loved ones are often told to look for certain signs and symptoms and how to get help for the drinker. But, unfortunately, in general people aren’t looking for signs and symptoms that the loved ones are also suffering from the alcohol misuse and can benefit from a recovery program of their own.

According to the 2018 Al‑Anon Membership Survey, members reported, on average, an 88% improvement of their mental health from before they began attending Al‑Anon meetings, with 67% reporting a significant improvement. A review of members, with just two to three years of continuous membership, revealed that 60% saw a significant improvement of their mental health.

Aspects of the program that help members find their own recovery:

  • Participate in weekly Al‑Anon meetings – In meetings, members share their experiences dealing with a loved one’s problem drinking and how applying a particular principle of the Al‑Anon program to their life helped.
  • Read Al‑Anon literature – Al‑Anon publishes its own literature that focuses exclusively on how to recover from someone else’s problem drinking.
  • Ask a member to be your Sponsor – A Sponsor is someone who has experience practicing the Al‑Anon program and meets with the newcomer to help them understand how they can apply it to their life.

Professionals are welcomed to learn more by sitting in on an Al‑Anon meeting. There are local and virtual meetings available. Look for the meetings designated as “Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome.”