Looking back on 2024, how have you progressed in your recovery and how do you share this growth with others?
December’s topic is, “Looking back on 2024, how have you progressed in your recovery and how do you share this growth with others?”
As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Twelve, Tradition Twelve, and Concept Twelve.
Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
New topics are being added each month!
After 3 or 4 months of being a silent member in program, I was ready to do anything to heal. The strength and courage I heard in meetings gave me a glimmer of hope when I thought there was none. I had felt unlovable coming into this program, so when I first reached out to the woman who would become my Sponsor, I immediately spilled my darkest secrets. Surely, she would judge me and that “unconditional love” you all talk about would not pertain to me. To my surprise, her compassion and understanding made me realize that I really was… Read more »
Good morning Al-Anon family. On this last day of 2024, I am grateful for each one of you and so much appreciate your comments in this blog. In 2024, I came to a greater understanding of Step 12, which teaches me to “practice these principles in all our affairs,” and in our new daily reader, A Little Time for Myself, p. 346, “In Al-Anon I learn that I have choices. When I choose to remain on the spiritual path and ‘practice these principles in all my affairs,’ I foster and celebrate the spirituality that helps me fulfill my human potential.”… Read more »
Hello chosen family ♥️ “Progress not Perfection” is one of my favourite Al-Anon slogans. It lets me show myself as well as others compassion, grace, understanding, love, and peace. The year started out with a lot of struggles. I had quit my dead-end job. I was confused about my career. I was ashamed of “not doing anything productive” and guilty about not working a regular job. But at the same time, I had just begun working the 12 Steps with my Sponsor. I had never dared to ask anyone to sponsor me out of the fear of rejection. This time… Read more »
Looking back on 2024, It has been a time of spiritual awakening. With five plus years in Al-Anon, a terrible family conflict happened with one of my loved ones this past summer. Through the Al-Anon program, I clearly understood that I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, and I can’t cure it. My thoughts of trying to fix it evaporated instantly once I recited these three truths about the disease of alcoholism. Finally on Christmas Day, my loved one contacted my husband and I with respect and words of reconciliation. It was hard to set boundaries with my loved… Read more »
After my boyfriend got drunk and arrested, I contemplated even staying. I struggle with my own mental illness as do most people these days, but being SMI, I thought my world was crashing down. He’s been asking to go to Scottsdale to see his best friend and go kayaking. We’re in Tucson and I said absolutely not. Trust was broken. I am progressing by letting him take day trips instead of camping and we have “rules.” Check-ins are mandatory, etc. I have to understand that I can’t control him or what he does but I can me.
This year has been life-changing. I moved from my state of origin and community of 37 years. I was more than ready for this but not ready to thin out my program. Meetings are a priority for my recovery. Now, I attend at least 4 a week, mostly in person, enjoying the human contact. My Al-Anon family is growing as is my safely net. No longer do I live with an active alcoholic. Though, there are many alcoholics around me, I choose not to have that interrupt my living my life any longer. When drinking happens around me, I accept… Read more »
Two years ago, I came back to Al-Anon after not attending for over ten years after my husband died. I was not seeing my small grandsons much which made me sad. Once again I turned to Al-Anon and the 12 Steps. My Step 4 inventory highlighted that I needed to focus on my own actions. “Let Go and Let God” helped me do that. Two months ago, my adult son called to tell me, “Mom, I’ve been mad at you for 15 years and I don’t want to be any more.” I am seeing the boys and him more now.… Read more »
My husband passed away in early January, not totally unexpected due to health issues, he had 40 yrs of sobriety. I came into Al-Anon beforehand and for that I am grateful every day. My journey has had it ups and downs but the program has always provided me the answers I needed to carry on. I know this to be true as I grieve with gratitude for the gift of the program especially the lifelong friendships I have made. Looking back on this year, and as this is the 12 month of the year, I reflect on how I carry… Read more »
Sometimes I feel as though I have not made progress, because I still do and think the same defective things. But through Al-Anon I have gained awareness of this. I am struggling to find acceptance of my reality, and every time I slip back into my defects it is because of denial. But now I am aware, and that is a big step. It lets me practice better thoughts and actions. Even if I have to fake them, it is still progress. Now that I am aware of my defects of character, denial is only comforting for a little while,… Read more »
I know that I have progressed in 2024, but it is somewhat difficult to measure to which extent. After being in the program for a few 24 hours, I know for sure that growth never ends, even if the leaps of growth seem a little more subtle. For me the opportunity to progress presents itself by becoming aware that something is not quite right and that I am not in harmony with my Higher Power. The difference between myself and a newcomer is that I feel the emotional and spiritual discomfort a little faster and that I have much less… Read more »
I recently started working my First Step with my Sponsor. After my husband’s last relapse, I read and reread Chapter One of Paths to Recovery until it finally clicked. I cannot control my husband’s drinking. I can control myself, my behavior, and my daughter’s safety. I have a duty to control those things. I must give it up to God when it comes to my husband’s drinking. His Higher Power must guide him as mine must guide me. It is up to each of us to listen and act on our Higher Power’s will for each of us. I am… Read more »
Looking back on 2024, I feel that I have progressed gracefully. I have learned how to start caring for myself, in spite of the effects of the family disease of alcoholism. I have learned to put these slogans to practice: “Let Go and Let God”, “Live and Let Live”, Detachment with a feather, as I like to call it, or with love, as it is said in the program. I have also been setting healthier boundaries for myself, so as to not keep accepting unacceptable behavior, and to keep myself serene. Early on this year, I placed the main focus… Read more »
This goes deep for me. I lost my brother in March this year to the disease. Without the help of Al-Anon in-person and online meetings I would not be where I am at now. Three years ago when we lost our mother, my brother grabbed the bottle and I grabbed him. I was so scared for so long that I would not be able to go on if I lost him too. I needed a lot of help. Detaching with love is what they told me I needed and I thought everyone was crazy. But then one day I finally… Read more »
Looking back on 2024, progress in my recovery has happened in small shifts, sometimes I don’t even notice until I get to share in an Al-Anon meeting or with a fellow member! One of noticeable shifts is towards a preference to connect with my Higher Power when I am in difficult feelings or a situation. My default is to still reach out to a fellow member and cry to them when I’m feeling overwhelmed but in quiet times, my new Step 11 altar reminds me that my higher power is a loving, listening source that has unlimited capacity to comfort… Read more »
This year I was diagnosed with a serious illness that will affect the rest of my life. I discovered that the slogan that has saved me and carried me through 20 years of recovery in Al-Anon could help me deal with this new challenge as well: One day at a time. Whenever I found myself deep in imaginings about possible dire developments in the future, I reminded myself to focus on what was directly in front of me. It helped me think about the future just enough to make good plans for my care. Now when people ask me how… Read more »
I consider this medium to be air necessity for anyone trapped in a relationship with an alcoholic. I personally know the frustrations when a family member leaves drunk, and then returns even more drunk. Please know you are not alone. We care.
As I look back on 2024, I am grateful for Al-Anon and the fellowship and support offered. I have had a difficult year with alcoholism, death, financial ruin for some of my family, and prior to this program I would be devastated and actually physically ill trying to fix everyone and everything. I now know how to look for the good each day and rely on my Higher Power for guidance. Talking to my Sponsor and making a call to a fellow member during difficult times gives me serenity, which I had not known prior to Al-Anon.
2024 has been a year of courage, faith, and boldness. I feel unrecognizable at times as I evolve from passivity and fear to divinely-inspired action — especially facing lifelong fears. This year’s biggest wins include speaking up and setting boundaries with two bullies while still leaving space to collaborate with them in peace. I also “put myself out there” like never before, letting myself be seen and heard. I have dreamed of doing this for decades and I’m grateful to achieve these goals. My personal and professional life seem more expansive as I replace self-limiting beliefs with love and trust… Read more »
When I was 15 my parents divorced. I got into a habit of blaming my dad for every bad thing that happened in my life. My dad passed away when I was 24, and still, I was blaming him. In a meeting one day I successfully blamed my dead father for something. A seasoned member sitting next to me asked me how long my dad had been dead. I responded with four years. Then she asked do you think maybe this is on you and not him? Today, I ask myself what is my part in this situation? Do I… Read more »
Looking back on 2024, Al-Anon has helped me grow more and more in my awareness as far as detaching with love with my family members who I really care about. In my recovery and my awareness, I know I can’t change anyone, but I know how to navigate my feelings when I’m having conversations with them. It’s getting better as time goes on because my recovery is what I make it, which is basically my life: I go to five meetings a week in person; I talk to program people. The only way I can work my program is if… Read more »