It’s all in the “Service Manual”!

“None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Anonymous, AFG, Inc. Archives, 1955

The Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27) is a how-to manual that explains how to start a meeting, how to have a group conscience meeting, how to manage contributions, how to maintain unity, and more.

We may hear “Al-Anon has no rules,” but we do have Legacies, policies, a Charter, and more than 60 years of experience, strength, and hope. As is the case with all Al-Anon service work, the Service Manual is not written or revised by any one member; instead, it is approved by vote at the annual World Service Conference—Al-Anon’s largest group conscience.

When we talk things over and reason things out, we are able to keep the message of help and hope clear and consistent and share the program of help and hope with families and friends of alcoholics everywhere.