Because I grew up with an alcoholic parent, I vowed I would never become involved with someone who drank. However, I found myself with a man with multiple addictions. I was stunned and heartbroken when it didn’t work out. I felt completely responsible for the breakup, and my emotional pain led me to attempt to end my own life. I knew at that point I needed help, so I found my way to my first Al‑Anon meeting. I was so filled with guilt and shame, and I thought I would either pass out or throw up.
What I discovered was a room full of people who shared similar stories of similar pain, but they had hope! I walked out of that meeting with hope for the first time in a long time, and I knew I wasn’t crazy. There were reasons why I was attracted to people with alcohol problems, and I began a journey of healing that has transformed my life. I’ve discovered tools in Al‑Anon that have helped me to find better ways to cope in this world with both alcoholics and non-alcoholics alike. I’ve gone from someone who lived in fear and anxiety to someone who is happy and confident.
Al‑Anon has given me a life worth living, good friends worth having and resources to help me anytime I need them. There is no pressure—no demands to do anything I don’t want to do. There is, however, real hope, real solutions, and real serenity.
By Marianne S., Michigan
The Forum, December 2018
Bendecida por el poder superior de permitirme un día haber conocido este maravilloso programa cambio.
I grew up with an alcoholic father. I have PTSD, anxiety and depression. Today I have an alcoholic son, and a recovering alcoholic son. Both in their 40s and both currently living with me. I’m 68 years old. I have always had insomnia, but it’s been a lot worse in recent years. I’m under a doctor’s care and she is very kind, but I feel I need more emotional support.
I really enjoy the sharing. Al-Anon has given me back my life and sanity.