Thinking back to when I first came into the rooms of Al-Anon, I remember being filled with fear and uncertainty. By the end of that first meeting, I had a dozen pamphlets and a copy of How Al‑Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-32) to take home with me. For the first time in a very long time, I felt hopeful. As I reflect today, I realize how fortunate I was to have had access to the literature in English, my native language.
Many Al-Anon Family Group members outside of the World Service Conference Structure don’t read or speak English, Spanish, or French, which we are responsible for printing. They come into the rooms of Al-Anon struggling with the effects of someone else’s drinking, and when they seek literature, it isn’t readily available in their language.
Al-Anon structures that desire to translate Conference Approved Literature (CAL) into their native language work with the International Coordination Committee (ICC) and the Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Board of Trustees to obtain approval to translate CAL. In my role as part of the International team at the World Service Office (WSO), I assist with the translation and printing process.
Since late 2023, five countries have initiated and completed the process to begin translating and printing CAL in five new languages: Bulgarian, Romanian, Thai, Latvian, and now Mongolian. Members in these countries will now be able to access experience, strength, and hope in their native languages.
As one recent example, the International team met with members from Mongolia who were anxious to translate and print CAL. Until that point, Mongolian members relied on literature written for members of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) because it was what was available in the Mongolian language. Working with the International team, the Mongolian Al-Anon membership formed and registered as an Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) and created a translation committee. The Mongolian AIS submitted the paperwork and received permission from the Board of Trustees through the ICC to begin translating CAL into Mongolian.
Since our pamphlets have fewer pages than our books, they are suggested as the first pieces to be translated. The first translations are subject to an independent review process whereby the WSO collaborates with bilingual members to review the initial translations, making certain that the translations reflect the spiritual message and tone of Al-Anon. The independent reviewer provides feedback before a piece is printed.
Every day, I read CAL as an essential part of my recovery from the effects of someone else’s drinking. It is a gift to be part of the process that makes CAL available to Al-Anon members throughout our worldwide fellowship.
By Anne P., International & Legal Coordinator
The Forum, April 2025
“Inside Al-Anon Family Groups” presents news, policy, and commentary from volunteers, staff and readers sharing experience through service. Please feel free to reprint these articles on your service structure website or newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.