I didn’t attend Al‑Anon meetings during the 16 years of my husband’s sobriety. When he relapsed and isolated, I shut down and isolated. I didn’t tell anyone of this, hoping he could beat it like before, and we could keep this secret between us. Three years later, I was miserable and could no longer take the mental torment of the disease. I finally went back to Al‑Anon.
At my first meeting, I found it was a relief to share a few of my secrets without the fear of being judged. The more meetings I attended, and the more I shared, the more unconditional support, love, knowledge, and peace I gained. I began using the Al‑Anon tools for the first time in my life.
Regularly attending and participating in Al‑Anon meetings, reading Conference Approved Literature, depending on my Al‑Anon family, and giving back has finally given me the courage to share my feelings and struggles with a few other close friends and family members. Their unconditional support, love, help, and resources have helped my children and me work through tough situations with positive outcomes that I know would not have happened if I had not opened up and shared with them.
In looking back, I regret I waited three years before going back to Al‑Anon. Al‑Anon has given me a safe place to be myself, to deal with the insidious disease of alcoholism and “life on life’s terms,” and to be open and honest. I am so grateful for Al‑Anon.
By Lori K., South Carolina
The Forum, September 2020
Feel free to reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.
My therapist told me I should try Al-Anon, although I’ll admit I’m skeptical because I know he will never change and I go around and around in my head with what if scenarios and they all come out the same. I have spent the last 30 years focused on the family and haven’t worked much, started working at present job 13 years ago. I don’t want to leave. I love this house and I love him. He is not abusive, although years ago he was and I should have left then (verbally abusive, that is) but had no money, no… Read more »
I have been living and loving an alcoholic for over a year now. When we first met I knew he had struggled with alcohol for most of his adult life. He was laid off and I thought this was something we could work on. I have never been much of a drinker, but I stopped completely when I met him, because I knew that it would benefit him. Jobs have been scarce because of Covid and then he finally just got complacent that we were staying between each others houses and I was paying for everything. He would apply for… Read more »
The thing I hate is the detox/sobriety/relapse roller coaster. I have been on it since I met her. We are both in our 60’s so no children effected by her drinking (except her grandchildren, but they live out of state since their mother kicked her out of the house for getting drunk while she was baby sitting). In order to stay with her I had to accept the fact that in two years she will either be dead from complications or in a nursing home due to Alcohol Related Dementia that is if she continues drinking. The typical day is… Read more »
I have attended online Al-Anon meetings in the past. My husband quit drinking but has relapsed. He’s been drinking over a year and I didn’t know. He got to the point he’s having blackouts. He has been sober 11 days and attending meetings again. I can’t believe we’re back in this again. I feel hopeless. I hate that I’m back worrying he’s drinking again. I hate always having to pick up the pieces. I hate having to be the dependable one. The one who always has to keep going and making sure everything is ok.
I have been with my husband for 20 years…he drank about a six pack a day when I met him-but the last twelve years have been terrible-and have only gotten worse. He never misses work because of his daily drinking. I have myself to blame for staying-the resentment I feel inside-how he changes for the worst-he’s such a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/ his actions are all over the place and that’s so much of the problem and has been even before he started drinking this much. He doesn’t believe in actions at all. I’m the only one that deals… Read more »
I have been married over 20yrs. I knew my husband drank but the last 5 yrs have been horrible. He drinks every day. Usually passes out by 7pm. He hides his bottle in his car so as whenever he leaves the house. I know he is drinking. He denies it but he is like talking to a wall. He doesn’t remember anything the next day or during conversations it doesn’t make sense to others. I try not to involve our adult kids but some days I just need to get away.
Thank you for such an informative share. I agree with you so much. Al-Anon has kept me sane and able to survive. I am now able to Let go and Let God by using the program. Living One day at a time and Just for today have been helpful slogans and The serenity prayer are daily stand bys that help me. At my first meeting they told me to Keep coming back and it was the best thing I could ever have been told and actually listened and accepted. It changed my life completely. We will love you until you… Read more »
My husband stopped drinking after waking up everyday and drinking all day. He started up again with a knee injury and being laid off from a job. He got a new job and his knee is much better but now he is secretly drinking behind my back. He yells and tells me I’m not good enough, smart enough. I don’t make enough money. I work 45 hrs a week, make 55k a year. I do everything around the house, take care of the lawn work, take care of the animals and every day I come home to him verbally abusing… Read more »
Happens the same for me I’ve been married for 6 years with an alcoholic that promises every morning that that was the last drink, I have a 13 years old kid, I tried everything to help him, but It’s driving crazy and I can’t handle it no more
My husband says he drinks for the pain of his neuropathy but I’ve read alcohol makes it worse. I found some remedies but he doesn’t want to try them
I’ll be attending a meeting for my husband of 6 years. I never knew he drank as much as he did before we got together but after our first year of marriage he changed. In our entire marriage he’s been arrested, hospitalized for drinking way too much, financially broke and on the verge of losing his job. We recently sold our home so we wouldn’t foreclose. I love him but don’t have the answers on what to do next. I need support and I can’t always go to my best friends.
Al-Anon meetings are so incredibly helpful to me!!!
This is my first time trying Al-Anon but I don’t know where else to turn too. I am going through something very similar with my fiance. We have been together for 6 years supposed to get married next year but I mentally and emotionally can’t handle the disease. I’m in need of outside support.