Dear Forum readers, your sharings about your journey of recovery from the effects of the disease of alcoholism are needed!

Previously titled “My Story,” these Forum sharings focus on what brought you to Al-Anon and what keeps you coming back. Here are some things to think about when writing:

  • What was your life like before coming into Al-Anon?
  • In what ways were you affected by someone’s drinking?
  • How did you hear about Al-Anon?
  • What were your first meetings like?
  • What kept you coming back?
  • What is your life like now? In what ways has the program benefitted you?

Submissions should range from about 700 to 1300 words. Remember—don’t worry about spelling and punctuation. Your sharing will be edited before publication. You can inspire readers by sharing your own experience, strength, and hope.

Please submit your sharings to The Forum, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 234545617; to or online