Teen Corner
A place just for teens affected by someone else's alcoholism.
What is Alateen?
Alateen is a place where members come together to:
- share experiences, strength, and hope with each other to find effective ways to cope with problems.
- discuss difficulties and encourage one another
- help each other understand the principles of the Al-Anon program through the use of the Twelve Steps and Alateen's Twelve Traditions
Alateen is not a place:
- For teenagers seeking help for drinking or drug problems or a therapy program
- to complain about parents or anyone else.
- A social hangout.
Sis Wenger: Four Suggestions for Caregivers of Children in a Home Affected by Alcohol Misuse/Addiction
Sis Wenger: Four Suggestions for Caregivers of Children in a Home Affected by Alcohol Misuse/Addiction “We may not want to
I Learned Self‑Care through Alateen
Before coming to Alateen, I thought taking care of myself was selfish. Whenever I woke my dad up
Addiction professionals help patients see signs
Addiction professionals: Helping patients explore the possibility that someone's alcoholism or drug use has affected them
The Benefits of Alateen: A Teacher’s Viewpoint
One of my students wrote a moving essay about his experience with Alateen and how it is
Alcoholism is as harmful to the family’s well-being as any drug addiction
Alcoholism is as harmful to the family’s well‑being as any drug
Alcohol addiction can have devastating effects on families; 5 things caregivers can do to help.
Alcohol addiction can have devastating effects on families; 5 things caregivers
“Together We Can Make It!”
I have been part of Alateen for five years, and I am extremely grateful for that. I have
National Recovery Month Can Include Families In Recovery
National Recovery Month Can Include Families In Recovery In September, the
I No Longer Feel Like I Am Drowning
My dad has always been a drinker, but it always seemed bearable when I was growing up. Throughout
Keeping My Peace
My peace belongs to me, but it is so easy to give it away or let someone take
The Effects of the Family Disease of Alcoholism on Children
Sis Wenger, President/CEO of the National Association for Children of Addiction (NACoA), took time to share with the
In Lieu of a Cure
I sometimes think of Al‑Anon meetings as an emergency room or infirmary where I can get treatment for