The 2022‑2025 edition of the Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P‑24/27) replaces any previous editions. Changes to sections of the Service Manual sometimes occur between editions, as a result of World Service Office procedural changes and Conference motions. The most recent edits are then posted electronically as portions of the updated Service Manual. To keep track of these updates, a process for identifying subsequent versions of each edition and their changes has been adapted. The version number for each edition can be found on the back of the title page. (Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual, p. 1)

Members seeking answers to specific questions… may well find guidance within these pages. Each section has its own purpose, author, and Table of Contents. The Index lists the many topics addressed throughout the Manual. (Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual, p. 3 ) Use the search bar to search by keywords.