News Releases2020-04-03T15:02:06-04:00

Al-Anon's Recent News Releases

Journalists, columnists, bloggers, Web masters and newsletter editors are welcome to publish or adapt Al-Anon news and feature releases for their audiences. For local quotations or meeting schedules, contact a local Al-Anon Information Service. For more information or assistance in making local arrangements, contact Public Outreach at:

Phone: (757) 563-1600

Important Update on COVID-19 and Effects on Al-Anon and Alateen Meetings

April 3, 2020|

The Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. is addressing the challenges created by the Coronavirus (COVID‑19) pandemic. Technology enhances our ability to be available as a resource during the COVID‑19 pandemic. Our website, al‑, has general information for clients who are unfamiliar with our program

Al-Anon Family Groups Celebrate Recovery in Baltimore

June 27, 2018|

About 4,000 Al-Anon members from around the world will meet at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland, for the 2018 Al-Anon Family Groups International Convention, July 6-8. Al-Anon Family Groups, established in 1951, offers help and hope

National Recovery Month Offers Opportunities for Families

September 6, 2017|

September National Recovery Month includes opportunities for families and friends of alcoholics to find help and hope in Chicago area Al‑Anon Family Groups. “Sometimes it is easy to see what alcohol is doing to the drinker,” Al-Anon Communications

Recovery Day Offers Opportunities for Families

August 30, 2017|

Vancouver Recovery Day September 9 includes opportunities for families and friends of alcoholics to find help and hope in Al-Anon Family Groups. “Sometimes it is easy to see what alcohol is doing to the drinker,” Al-Anon Communications Specialist

If People Think It’s Only Alcohol

April 12, 2016|

Virginia Beach, VA (PRWEB) April 12, 2016 According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 16.3 million people aged 12 or older are heavy alcohol users in the United States. During Alcohol Awareness Month, Al-Anon shines

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