Southwest Kansas Conference
52nd ANNUAL SOUTHWEST KANSAS CONFERENCE JANUARY 6—8, 2023 CLARION INN, GARDEN CITY, KS Friday 8:00pm AA Speaker—TBA Saturday 10:00am Al-Anon—Tonya D.—Dallas TX.
52nd ANNUAL SOUTHWEST KANSAS CONFERENCE JANUARY 6—8, 2023 CLARION INN, GARDEN CITY, KS Friday 8:00pm AA Speaker—TBA Saturday 10:00am Al-Anon—Tonya D.—Dallas TX.
Sharing of Service workshop, an annual service event, hosted by Southern California World Service. Event Date & Time: January 21, 2023 9:00am
71st Annual Greeley AA Stampede The Greeley AA Stampede is an annual, 3-day Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon conference. It has been held