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Celebrating Lois W’s Birthday

Hosted By: Massachusetts Area For more information: Lois' Birthday Virtual Tour of Stepping Stones, 3 speaker meeting, ASL interpretation Ways and Means

A New Freedom

2024 Ontario Regional Conference (ORC) of Alcoholics Anonymous with Al-Anon/Alateen Featured Al-Anon and A.A speakers A.A. event with Al-Anon participation Sheraton Centre

46th Annual Connecticut Convention

Hosted By: Connecticut For more information: 46TH Annual Convention flyer Our Pathway to Peace Sheraton Hartford South Hotel Rocky Hill, Connecticut  

Accepting Reality One Day at a Time

Shares on the theme of Accepting Reality One Day at a Time. Zoom ID: 897 1551 8773 Passcode: 069726 March 23, 12-4pm

Sunlight of the Spirit Weekend

A weekend event filled with AA, Al-Anon, and Alateen speakers sharing their experience, strength, and hope. It is our goal that as

New Beginnings, How Al-Anon Works

Join us for a workshop on healing we experience through recovery! Four different speakers with sharing For more information: Share-A-Day: New Beginnings—How

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