Al-Anon Pot Luck, New York, USA
Al-Anon Pot Luck, New York, USA
Hosted By: New York South For More Information: New York City Al-Anon Speaker, Raffles, Fellowship, Food, Fun, Friendship, Service! Bring a dish!
Hosted By: New York South For More Information: New York City Al-Anon Speaker, Raffles, Fellowship, Food, Fun, Friendship, Service! Bring a dish!
Hosted By: New York South To register: Meeting Registration - Zoom This workshop features members referred to the program by a professional
Hosted By: New York South Area To register: Meeting Registration - Zoom A special one-hour evening event with Associate Director — Public
Host: Kansas Area Mas Information: Reunión National Este evento es para los hijos de alcohólicos. Tendremos reunión todo el día. Este evento
Hosted By: New York City NYC Al- Anon Intergroup's monthly afternoon workshop focuses on the healing we experience through recovery. Zoom ID: 897