Here are some simple suggestions shared with the WSO that your group can consider:
- Establish a group communication system—develop an email, phone, or text list of group members to notify them if the meeting is not held. A group member or trusted servant could be responsible for overseeing this task. Also, notify your local answering and meeting service (if applicable).
- If possible, place a sign on the door to notify newcomers and others that the group is not meeting that day.
- If you know in advance that the building where you meet is or is not open on major holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s and their Eves), announce this well in advance at the group and District meeting. If this occurs annually, the WSO can add this announcement to your listing on, e.g., “does not meet on major holidays” or “meets on major holidays.” Contact the WSO to update this information, if relevant.
- Al-Anon members meet online and on the phone regardless of weather or holidays. Access the electronic meetings list on the website*:
*Please note that phone meetings are listed in Eastern Time.
Ontonagon, MI. Al-Anon family group will be meeting every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at 515 Pine St. Please encourage holiday visitors to attend our meeting when they are in town visiting family and friends. Happy Holidays!
Our Monday night serenity seekers meetings are every Monday from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Yes, we have meetings on major holidays as well. There is always a member available.