“Family” is our middle name! Family members come in all shapes and sizes, and while we have many differences, we come together through our common bond in an Al‑Anon Family Group. In keeping with Tradition Three, which says, in part, “The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of alcoholism in a relative or friend,” and Tradition Five, which states that our one purpose is “to help families of alcoholics,” which we do by “welcoming and giving comfort” to those families, consider these responses when faced with obstacles in welcoming visitors and newcomers:
- When a teenager arrives, welcome them as an Al‑Anon member. Safety in meetings applies to everyone.
- When someone other than the selected participants (Parents, LGBTQIA+, People of Color, etc., as found in the Advanced Search feature) arrives, welcome that person to the meeting and share how to find additional choices for their next meeting.
- Offer meeting lists with electronic and in-person options for attending Al‑Anon meetings and contact numbers for support between meetings.
Is your group ready to welcome anyone, anytime?
The Forum, December 2024
“Inside Al-Anon Family Groups” presents news, policy, and commentary from volunteers, staff, and readers sharing experience through service. Please feel free to reprint these articles on your service structure website or newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.