What is your favorite way to carry the message of recovery in Al‑Anon?
As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Eight, Tradition Eight, and Concept Eight.
Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
New topics are being added each month!
My favorite way to carry the message of hope is listening. I am a better listener today in part because of all those who listened and nodded, offered their phone number, a house key (when needed), rides and with the loving invitation to “Keep Coming Back”. I can today slowly listen to the nudge within me toward a desperate heart even when least suspected.
The first way that comes to mind is greeting the newcomers. I smile just thinking of the times I’ve been in the room alone, setting up for a meeting when a newcomer shows up. Saying, “Welcome”, inviting them to take a seat, accepting their offers to help with setting out the literature or make coffee – these simple moments help me feel connected with others and good about myself. Al-Anon teaches me that carrying the message can be as simple as giving a direct answer to a question like, “how do I find more meetings?” I don’t have to solve… Read more »
My favorite way to carry the Al-Anon message of hope in the face of difficulty is by quoting the slogans. They can apply to any situation for anyone. Some people don’t want to hear about self-help groups. But the slogans are a universal language of help, hope and common sense that are easy for people to hear and remember. I don’t have to worry about fixing their problems with the family disease when I can give them a small piece of wisdom for a specific situation.
My ways of carrying the message of recovery in Al-Anon have changed over the years. Today, my way is to be the best person my loving God knows I could be, the best person and the best Al-Anon member I can be “one day at the time”. I feel that “showing by example” speaks louder than “preaching by words.” When I first came to the Al-Anon, I was all over the place talking about the greatness of our program. However, I wasn’t wise enough at the time to see that people seeing me for who I really was, before getting… Read more »
My favorite way is to share how I use Al-Anon not only living with a sober alcoholic by how I use the Steps and the slogans at an Intergroup meeting or speaking in front of others.
My favorite way to carry the message of recovery in Al-Anon is by the change in my behavior. Al-Anon has taught me to think before I speak and this allows me to listen. Before Al-Anon I would be planning what I was going to say before the other person even stopped talking. It didn’t matter what they were saying; I just had to say my piece regardless. I no longer interrupt the other person just so I can be heard. I listen to what they are saying and respond thoughtfully instead of aggressively. I also don’t engage in gossip, which… Read more »