What is your favorite Step, Tradition, or Concept, and how do you apply it to your personal life?
March’s topic is, “What is your favorite Step, Tradition, or Concept, and how do you apply it to your personal life?”
As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Three, Tradition Three, and Concept Three.
Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
New topics are being added each month!
Tradition Twelve has been life-changing for me. Having finished the Steps with my Sponsor, we went through the Traditions in Reaching for Personal Freedom (p-92). I learned that anonymity is a big part of my spiritual foundation. I can place principles above personalities – even my own personality! Through the program, God has been whittling away at my historic practice of over-sharing without regard to how it might affect others or myself. I have learned to THINK before I speak, and to focus on sharing my experience, strength, and hope rather than airing my dirty laundry. Over time, I have… Read more »
Tradition Twelve, “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles above personalities” is my favorite Tradition because it inspires me to think of myself as an equal in the fellowship. Anonymity is the keystone. When I walk into a meeting, I leave my ego, attitude, and agenda at the door. I am a member in recovery from the effects of alcoholism. I am neither better or worse than any other person in the room. When I enter the meeting room, I take off my mask, hat, and cape that I am wearing to… Read more »
It is very difficult to choose only one of our Three Legacies. All of them, as I recovered in the program, have helped me and have been used in turn. With all the literature we have addressing those topics and all that I hear at meetings, I have gotten to love, use, and appreciate all of the Legacies at different degrees, for different reasons, and under different circumstances. I have always found help and support in using them. If I had to choose one it would be Step Three. When I came to the program, I was mad at God,… Read more »
My favorite Step is the first five words of Step One – “We admitted we were powerless …” When I get stuck in a problem, I only have to remember those first five words to remind myself that I don’t have to force a solution. My favorite Tradition is the last four words of Tradition Twelve – “… place principles above personalities.” Sometimes, I am easily swayed by personalities and appealing arguments. These words help me focus on myself and help me make decisions using spiritual principles rather than reacting to emotional or logical reasoning that may not follow our… Read more »
A new way of thinking! Growing up, I had an idea of what my Higher power was but chose to try to conform to different people’s ideas of what a Higher Power was to fit in. It never felt right until I came into the program and really considered what MY Higher Power was. When I first began the program I used the group conscience as my higher power, but over time I have discovered what I truly believe in. The Higher Power of my understanding was made for me and loves me unconditionally. The Al-Anon program has given me… Read more »
I dabble. Each month I create a slogan and every year I create a theme for me to use. Both are based 100% in my program and the Service Manual. The last few days of February and this month I am working with Concept 4: Participation is the key to harmony. In the past, I felt that if no one signed up for something, I had to do it. Whenever volunteers were requested, I was first to raise my hand. At home, I would do things (with a martyr’s sigh) that weren’t done which would lead to my taking full… Read more »
Step Three is my favorite or “go to” Step. When I first came to Al-Anon, I thought the short version of the first three Steps was 1. I can’t; 2. God can; 3. I “think” I’ll let Him. Today, I know that Step Three is I WILL let Him. I will surrender my will and my life to the care of God as I understand Him. I have believed in God since I was a little girl in grade school. I would get dropped off in front of church by myself. I went to Sunday School and confirmation. My Higher… Read more »
My favorite Step is Step Ten: “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.” It reminds me that I will make mistakes but I no longer need to punish myself for them. I can make amends, see how I can improve in the areas I’m still struggling with, I can forgive myself, and move on. I am free from the negative thoughts, the self-destruction, the spiralling into fear, anger, and sadness. It brings me peace.