What are the top five things on your gratitude list?
November’s topic is, “What are the top five things on your gratitude list?”
As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Eleven, Tradition Eleven, and Concept Eleven.
Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
New topics are being added each month!
Top five today are:
a dry place while it rains outside
being alive
having my senses so I can enjoy chocolate, the dog barking next door, my guitar strings, being able to read, the scent of rosemary
running hot water
My faith, charity, patience, my rainbow bridge babies, healthcare.
Recovery with Al-Anon
Love (patience, acceptance, forgiveness)
Warm heartfelt wishes for a blessed holiday season,
In gratitude
I found a God of my understanding that is always there for me. Al-Anon keeps me growing toward being a balanced person. Nature is a source of renewal as I garden or take a walk. My family and friends give me opportunities to exhibit unconditional love with boundaries. I think about things that help me take care of myself like healthy eating, naps as needed, saying no sometimes, and relying on my HP instead of people. I am so grateful I found Al-Anon.
I’m grateful for the tools of the program such as recognizing I have choices. Just because I feel hurt or angry, doesn’t mean I stay in that space. I can read literature, call a program friend, reach out to my wonderful Sponsor or, best yet, go to a meeting. I’m grateful that I now know how to say no! I do not have to feel guilty for not saying yes. I have integrity today, my yes is an authentic yes and I bring my best self to the things I CHOOSE to participate in. I’m grateful for my sponsees, they… Read more »
My Sponsor and Al-Anon Program connections
Alateen Conference Approved Literature ( Alateen…a day at a Time)
My Group
My heart is beating and I am breathing
I am warm and have a blanket
Grateful that Al-Anon helped me to understand my mother’s alcoholism even after so many years of her sobriety. Then, as she had Dementia, I am grateful for the love we shared in the latter years – the love I always sought. Grateful that after she passed, I was able to continue in Al-Anon, having established a strong program of recovery. Today, my Al-Anon home group has continued to be a blessing in learning more about how alcoholism blighted my entire family. I am grateful that my daughter has a better, freer life because of Al-Anon.
1. Grateful that my unreasonable anger at others now serves as a trigger for self-care instead of self-destructive acts.
2. Grateful that all the unsolicited advice I have given in the past has not killed anyone, that I know of.
3. Grateful for the aches and pains of getting old. It is a privilege.
4. Grateful for a sense of humor which disappears occasionally but ultimately always returns.
5. Grateful for the snooze button on the alarm and on Facebook.
Grateful for Life, a home and food, discovering the benefits of meditation to clear my mind of emotional clutter, self-care making time for myself-activities with friends, grateful for my Dog, dog walks in nature.
The top five items on my gratitude list are:
Breath–Whenever I am aware of it, I am in the moment.
Nature–Whenever I am in it, I am outside of my head.
My heart space–When I focus there, I am in a state of Grace.
Patience–It is a practice that helps me develop tolerance, acceptance, understanding, willingness, and Love.
Recovery–See above.
Gratitude – Top Five
My top five things to be grateful for are: My Higher Power, and the small still voice inside of me guiding me toward happiness, joy, and freedom. Al-Anon/Alateen group meetings, CAL, and the Steps, Traditions, Concepts, and Legacies. Sponsorship – I have had so many wonderful and loving Sponsors in Al-Anon. Service – I am so grateful to be of service to this worldwide fellowship, whether that is member to member (sponsorship), meeting level, Area and District level, etc. A new lease on life, one which never expires as I practice the principles in all my affairs; and strive to… Read more »
The top 5 things on my gratitude list today are: Knowing I have choices and am not limited by the rigid behavior patterns and black and white thinking so prominent in my alcoholic family of origin. Serenity – The tools of this program have given me moments of pure tranquility and I really cherish this! I am grateful to be able to release my woes to a Higher Power when I am willing to let go and let God. Daily readers and the pocket-sized nuggets of inspiration they contain. Family – My Al-Anon family, my family of my choosing, and… Read more »
The top 5 things on my gratitude list are:
1) Improved coping skills thanks to my Sponsor, meetings and the step support through other members. Such a new and better way of life!
2) Improving physical health due to better acceptance and Step One
3) Healthier responses to many challenges in life
4) Stronger faith in God who is my Higher Power
5) Easy access to program fellowship through friends, the website, different types of meetings.
It’s hard to reduce my gratitude to five things. Maybe in order of frequency I would say 1) Sunshine 2) The Al-Anon program 3) My husband 4) Living in walking distance of nature trails, and 5) My dog. In order of importance though, my list might be 1) My good health 2) The privilege of living in safety, freedom, and comfort 3) My husband getting me into recovery, 4) Al-Anon service which gives me so many learning opportunities about my character assets and defects, and 5) A faith program that lets me rely on a Higher Power as I understand… Read more »
The top five things on my gratitude list: 1. My spouse for showing me everything is not my fault. 2. My Sponsor telling me to not take advice from someone sicker than me. 3. I don’t have to walk on eggshells anymore. I can stand up and say what needs to be said. Mean what I say, but don’t be mean when you say it. 4. I have a family/friends that love me for who I am and what I am. 5. With the all the service work I have done this year. It has helped me get out of… Read more »
First, I would have to say I am grateful for my living space.
Second, my mobility and my dogs.
Third, my physical and mental health.
Fourth, my meetings, my friends, my program & Sponsor.
Fifth, my Higher Power, that gave me the previous four gratitudes!
Gratitude for:
My Higher PowerMy Family, Friends, CommunityMy Awareness, Acceptance, ActionMy Body, Mind, SpiritMy Tools (meetings, literature, Sponsor, Zoom, phone, slogans, journaling, walks, breathing, and so many more)
My Friends and Family
My Health
My Faith
My Desire to Grow More
There are so many things to be grateful for in this program. When I first heard someone say they were grateful for their alcoholic, I thought they were nuts! Now I know the only way I would have found my way into the rooms was through the alcoholic. I am so grateful for all the friends I have made in the program, true friends, safe friends. When I am not in a good place, my gratitude list starts with I can walk, and talk, and see and hear; and there are many who can’t. I have a roof over my… Read more »