Dear Al-Anon members and Trusted Servants,
At the recent 2020 virtual World Service Conference (WSC), the World Service Office (WSO) shared with the Conference members the email created by the Board of Trustees’ Electronic Meeting Work Group to welcome newcomers to permanent registered electronic meetings. For more than 20 years, the WSO has registered meetings taking place online and via phone conference call. These meetings have evolved and grown significantly over time. Today, there are over 300 registered electronic meetings.
With the challenge of living during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Al-Anon groups scrambled to find ways to continue to meet and chose to meet temporarily online using many of the same platforms where permanent electronic meetings have been taking place. It is clear that members realize the importance of being able to welcome newcomers and offer hope despite the restrictions of the pandemic. Meeting in this new environment also brought questions of what and how to provide information to newcomers.
We are pleased to announce that the welcome email shared with the 2020 virtual WSC members can now be received by newcomers to any electronic meeting—whether it be temporary or permanent. We encourage you to share this URL with any newcomers to your meetings.
Please don’t hesitate to contact if you have any questions.
I have a Zoom account and am attempting to learn how to join a Zoom Al-Anon meeting.
There are currently no Al-Anon meetings with a Native American focus available. Anyone concerned about someone else’s drinking is welcome to attend any Al-Anon
meeting. We suggest attending at least six meetings to see if Al-Anon makes a difference in a person’s situation.
looking for native American meeting
I love the Welcome Newcomers page and will start sharing it at our local electronic meeting.
Please visit our Newcomers page to find out how Al-Anon can help and the Meetings page to find a meeting in your area. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many face-to-face meetings may still be unavailable and we invite you to try an electronic meeting. Al-Anon Family Groups offer a large list of electronic meetings on a variety of platforms, including Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, email, and phone. In addition, the meetings are available at all hours of the day, and some even 24 hours a day.
Hi! I am a newcomer and I am interested in help.
Please visit our Newcomers page to find out how Al-Anon can help. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many face-to-face meetings are currently unavailable and we invite you to try an electronic meeting. Al-Anon Family Groups offer a large list of electronic meetings on a variety of platforms, including Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, email, and phone. In addition, the meetings are available at all hours of the day, and some even 24 hours a day.
I’m a newcomer I need help desperately, I’m trying to find a way to join a meeting but I’m not able to get through to how I’m suppose to do it… please help
I would like to join the discussion
Al-Anon Family Groups offer a large list of electronic meetings on a variety of platforms, including Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, email, and phone. In addition, the meetings are available at all hours of the day, and some even 24 hours a day. Please visit our Electronic Meetings page to access the different options.
I am a newcomer and so desperate to find help! I am struggling every day and every day seems like I might reach my limit. I have tossed around the idea of joining Al-Anon for so long and finally when I decided COVID hit and now that I’m actively looking for a meeting to help me find my way through this pain and unbearable despair I can’t seem to find a meeting or anyone to talk to….I sent my registration, what now?
Shall mention Newcomer at next group meeting.
GR Kilburn South Australia
Thank you Al-Anon family
Al-Anon Family Groups offer a large list of electronic meetings on a variety of platforms, including Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, email, and phone. In addition, the meetings are available at all hours of the day, and some even 24 hours a day. Please visit our Electronic Meetings page to access the different options.
I need to know how to do virtual meetings
I was so pleased to see read this article in this my most current “In the Loop” newsletter…free, yes free for the asking! Al-Anon has and is continuing to help those whose lives have been effected by the use of alcohol. The disease of alcoholism has set my world spinning at times…at a much quicker and more powerful way than the Covid-19 virus has. I am confident someone, somewhere will come up with a cure or a way to control this “currently out of control” virus. Al-Anon continues to teach me, remind me that I can’t do this in the… Read more »
Excellent! Could we see what the welcome email is which is sent to newcomers?
This sounds wonderful !!!
Thank you