Although the family disease of alcoholism never takes a vacation, the post-holiday season is a time when many individuals suffering from the family disease of alcoholism seek comfort in Al-Anon. Here are some things to think about as your group prepares to welcome newcomers for the new year:
- Is your meeting information on the local meeting list, local and Area websites, and at the WSO up to date?
- Are signs placed in easy-to-spot places to direct people to the meeting room, or specific location instructions (or, for groups meeting electronically, login and password information) included in your group record?
- Do you have a greeter to welcome anyone new to the meeting?
A Welcoming Checklist is also available as a free download to help you plan. Keep in mind that you can submit Al‑Anon group changes online any time throughout the year.
The Forum, January 2025
Feel free to reprint this article on your service arm website or newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.
Please visit our electronic meetings page electronic meeting. Al-Anon Family Groups offer a large list of electronic meetings on a variety of platforms, including Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, email, and phone. In addition, the meetings are available at all hours of the day, and some even 24 hours a day.
I would like to rejoin a face to face online group. I live in Fiji. I am a NZ and Fiji Citizen.
This is great information. Thanks for providing for in person and virtual meetings, too!