“I am so grateful to have the program to pull out and use in any situation.”
I lived with my parents until I was five. When they divorced, I went to live with my grandparents. I was so young, but people told me it was a very stressful time for everyone. My mother, sister and I were supposed to live at my grandparents until my mother could find a suitable place for us to live. She made poor choices and rented an apartment in a bad section of town. My grandparents intervened because they thought it was too dangerous.
Everything became complicated. My dad got an apartment and I visited him regularly, but I rarely saw my mother. Our interactions were short phone calls, if that. Life at my grandparents seemed very peaceful. When I entered kindergarten, I was behind the other students. I worked really hard, though, and now I am an honor roll student in ninth grade.
My sister started going to Alateen when I was ten. She interacted with my mother much more than I did and I assumed she needed more help than I did. About a year and a half later my grandma convinced me that I should try Alateen.
When I’m at an Alateen meeting, they ask us to talk about our first meeting. I always tell people how I walked outside ready to go, then walked right back in and said I would come again next week. Looking back, I realize how Alateen came into my life at the right time. I was just starting to see my mom more and I couldn’t understand why she did the things she did. Alateen showed me not everyone’s life is perfect and there are people out there who have the same kinds of stories that I do.
I have learned so much from this program. I can look at myself and see how much I have grown and the wisdom I have gained. It has been a long journey, and only recently have I been able to say that honestly and confidently.
I am so grateful to have the program to pull out and use in any situation. When I see my mother, I know how to act appropriately even when she may not. When I go to meetings, I feel like I am a part of something. I have made many friends. Today, I work hard in school, sports and music. The Alateen program has helped me lead a better, happier life.
Kiana, Connecticut
The Forum, August 2017
This story is very similar to mine. My biological father was a drug addict and my Mom left him. When I was about 5 and my brother was 3, we stayed with our grandparents so my Mom could find a job in another state.
I need to start coming to a group, my daughter and my grandson live with us. She drinks on a daily basis and concerns me because I see the empty containers in the recycle bin and in the car cup holder.
Are you near any churches? They seem to know where the meetings are. Good Luck and Bless You and your family!
This is my story my mom was in the war and she has PTSD and can’t sleep at night so she drinks herself asleep.
I wish i could find a meeting for my grandkids,who are with me and myself too,their mother is with us and abuses rxs