Area World Service Committee (AWSC) This Committee consists of the officers of the Assembly, District Representatives, Coordinators and liaison members, who meet between Assemblies to discuss Area and District matters, plan the agenda for the Assembly, initiate projects and make recommendations to the Assembly. All Committee members may vote at the meetings of the Area World Service Committee. 

Assembly A meeting of the Group Representatives (GRs) for the purpose of electing a Delegate to the annual World Service Conference, an Alternate Delegate and Assembly officers. The Assembly also meets between elections to receive and distribute reports on Area and world service affairs. It reviews and approves interim reports of the Area World Service Committee. If a District Representative has not been previously elected by the GRs of a District, his election may take place at the Assembly (see “Caucus”). 

—“World Service Handbook” section of the 2018-2021 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual, pages 137 and 138 

The Forum, February 2019