I find the Al-Anon slogans very handy to use as reminders on my journey to recovery. My two favorites are “Let Go and Let God” and “Let It Begin with Me.” These slogans capture the essence of the Serenity Prayer for me. By letting go and letting God handle things, I accept the things I cannot change more easily. It is a reminder that I am powerless over many things, and those are best handled by God. This allows me to have peace and serenity in times of stress, anxiety, or indecision.

Next, “Let It Begin with Me” prompts me to change the things I can to improve my situation. Sometimes, I forget that things may not improve if I simply sit back or just complain about my situation or my needs not being met. In those times, this slogan reminds me to think about things I could do, such as finding alternatives if I am unhappy with my situation. I could simply ask another person for their company or help if the person I first had in mind is not able or willing.

By Anonymous

The Forum, April 2025


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