In 2017, the Policy Digest Review Thought Force suggested there was content in the “Local Services” section of the Policy Digest that needed review. A Policy Task Force was created to review the entire “Local Services” portion of the Digest. Throughout the last six years, the Task Force’s charge was amended and revised for clarity. Following discussion, the 2024 World Service Conference approved wording that rewrote “Naming a Service” as “Al‑Anon Information Services (AISs) or Intergroups” and moved it to “Members and Groups Carry the Message”; removed “Answering Services” and “Information Services (Intergroups),” as they were considered procedure, not policy; and retitled “Employees in Al‑Anon Services” as “Service Participation by Employees in Al‑Anon Services” with a minor edit and moved the text to “Membership and Group Meetings/Conventions.”
The new Policy wording is reflected in the “Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies” section of the 2022-2025 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual v4 (P-24/27), pages 86 and 110-111, on al‑ To update your printed copy of the Service Manual, please download the replacement pages, print, trim to size, and insert over the current pages.
December 2024
Articles related to matters of Al-Anon Policy will have the comment feature disabled. We encourage members to utilize the links of service to discuss the topic.