Congratulations to the newly formed Global Electronic Area, and welcome to the 62nd World Service Conference!
During the first Assembly for the electronic groups which formed part of a non-panel WSC Area, the Group Representatives elected an Area Delegate, Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. As set forth in the World Service Handbook section of the 2022–2025 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27) v1, the Area then notified the World Service Office of its intention to send a Delegate to the 2022 World Service Conference. At Conference, the Delegate was enthusiastically welcomed with a unanimous vote and seated with a warm round of applause.
For some background and discussion about the evolution of work that brought this goal to fruition, see pages 33–36 and page 78 of the 2021 World Service Conference Summary.
Congratulations to all who participated in the achievement of this exciting milestone for groups meeting electronically and for our fellowship as a whole!
Wonderful news! As on-line meetings continue to be the best choice for many of us, having our voices join the World-wide fellowship is a great step forward!
Karen, Florida
Neat. Glad to be present in this time in Al-Anon, and to be witness to this remarkable milestone – in the history of Al-Anon meetings which enable us to meet with fellows from around the world. 😅 Together We Can Make It.
I for one am grateful for Al-Anon forming zoom meetings. I’m a long time member of Al-Anon for over 28 years, and the timing of zoom was great because I had bad Covid 19 in January 2020 and I still only attend zoom meetings. Many more new people find us on zoom with different reasons, some the same as mine. I appreciate whomever was involved in this, gratitude.
Thank you to all that did service at this level, Al-Anon must stay and keep strong, because the disease of alcoholism continues growing too.